One of the challenges MK Scouts faces is making it easier to engage with, and volunteer for. MK Scouts has around 400 adult volunteers across Milton Keynes who give up thousands of hours of their time to help young people…
New Year? Resolve to Unleash Your Inner Akela!* (*Other roles are available)
As 2019 lands with a thump, and for some a 3-day hangover, Milton Keynes Scouting starts to rise from it’s seasonally induced coma. We begin, or continue, planning our exciting adventures for the coming year, and beyond. Summer camps, weekend…
Damboree Active Support Unit Joins MKScouts
Damboree is a collection of adult scouters and volunteers from around the United Kingdom who have spent 2018 promoting camping, camp permits and dispelling the myths that Beavers couldn’t camp, or for only one night, or that Beavers HAD to…