As 2019 lands with a thump, and for some a 3-day hangover, Milton Keynes Scouting starts to rise from it’s seasonally induced coma. We begin, or continue, planning our exciting adventures for the coming year, and beyond. Summer camps, weekend…
Damboree Active Support Unit Joins MKScouts
Damboree is a collection of adult scouters and volunteers from around the United Kingdom who have spent 2018 promoting camping, camp permits and dispelling the myths that Beavers couldn’t camp, or for only one night, or that Beavers HAD to…
All Summer Long We Sang Our Song….
Hi All and welcome back after a long hot summer. What a summer of scouting it has been for Milton Keynes. I have really enjoyed your social media posts over the last months. Looking at your photos and posts has…
MacMillan Coffee almost…Morning,
Last year when we opened The Hub at the Quarries, we raised £100 for MacMillan as part of their coffee morning campaign. This year we are once again supporting the MacMillan Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning, in our tradition of being…
IT Round-Up & Review
Given there has been some discussion recently about the IT and communications capability and strategy I thought it would be useful to look back at the Facebook Poll we did in May 2017, the results review in August 2017, and…
Young Leaders Office365 Accounts
After much to-ing and fro-ing we’ve decided that as part of including the Young Leaders in the leadership teams, and including them in the planning, communcations that them using their own personal accounts was not appropriate. So MKScouts will be…
Submit Your Own News
As part of our continual improvement activities for our website, we’re now trialing the ability for Members to be able to submit their news directly onto the website. This will then be subject to the normal editorial process prior to…
New Scout Brand, New District Website Paint Job
The Scout Association unveiled it’s new branding earlier this month, so we’ve taken the opportunity update the colour scheme, rejig the menus and make the Media Teams life a little easier by integrating posting to social media. Much like when…
District Structure Evolution
Due to the size of our joining list, currently 2% of the national waiting list numbers, we’ve been working with the Scout Association Regional Services Team for our area. With their guidance we discussed the challenges we faced, and decided…
GDPR Compliance
As you may be aware of, in May 2018 new privacy rules come into play that update the Data Protection Act with the General Data Protection Principles (GDPR) legislation. We’ll be updating our privacy statements in the coming months to…