The annual night hike, organised by the Explorer Scout Team, saw Scouts from across Milton Keynes compete in a race across the countryside.

Over 50 Scouts in 11 teams competed to see who was the best at map reading, first aid, and working as a team across a 6 mile route, just north of Milton Keynes.
“I can’t wait until I go to Explorers”
Jack – aged 12
The hike, organised by MK Explorers, enabled Scout-aged (10-14) young people to gain valuable independence as well as navigation skills. The event was designed to give the Scouts an idea of what Explorers is all about – becoming self-reliant young adults.

“I haven’t had as much fun in scouts until tonight”
Cameron – aged 11
The team from Langland Scout Group were successful in coming first overall with a total time of 2 hours and 50 minutes.
“I found it very fun”
Lacie – aged 11
Milton Keynes Scouts has 3 Explorer Units operating a variety of programs throughout the city. Explorers is targeted at young people aged 14-18.